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Fastfoodnews - The Top Fast Food Stories of 2015...
PuertoRicanJohnnie December 2015
Here we take a look back at the biggest fast food related stories of 2015,
from shit bags to green poop. Let us know your favorite!
#4: Order via emoji, text...

Domino's made ordering your favorite food easier than ever by allowing consumers to place orders via text, smart tv's, emojis, and even twitter. Do they still even have phones?
#3: More trick than treat

Halloween brought us the [in]famous black Whopper from Burger King. The burger has actually been on the menu in Japan for some time now. However, rather than using squid ink to create a black bun as the do in the far East, the U.S. version called for very very very dark green food coloring (true black food coloring doesn't exist). It didn't take long for the word to spread about the changes to your stool color. Philadelphia Eagle's fans can relate. #BleedGreenShitGreen.